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Ahoy, weary traveller!
Welcome to my website where I store the various coding things I've made over the years plus host some fractals and other neat stuff.
On this website you can find:
Projects, a page containing various games and coding projects I've made over the years plus my old, generally terrible Scratch projects.
  - X Squared, a minimalist idle game about research and math made in Orteil's Idle Game Maker. Has been described as "good" or, even in some cases, "fun".
  - Photo Review Helper, a program I made to help sort through photos for my robotics competition.
Fractals, a page which hosts a bunch of neat fractal images I made. Those with metered internet connections beware! This page has a ton of high-res images!

About ScrambledRubiks

 I'm a college sophomore studying computer engineering at my local university. I love to code and on occasion set off on a random coding journey with no idea how to do what I'm doing. I would highly recommend this strategy for learning how to code if you're new to coding as a whole. Everything I know about Python and Javascript entered my brain because I set out to do a task and google'd my way to a suboptimal solution. While certainly not the most effient way to learn a skill, it definitely is the most fun.

 The name ScrambledRubiks actually came about far earlier than when I started cubing. In seventh or eighth grade, my friends got into cubing, and despite the fact that I had no interest in it at the time, I chose ScrambledRubiks for my Minecraft username. In retrospect I have no idea why.

 Unless otherwise stated, everything on this site is CC-BY, with the exception of the fractal images. Considering these are largely derivative of other works, I'm not sure what license to put them under, but realistically it doesn't matter all that much.

 I currently have experience with Python, Java, C++, and Javascript, plus I've suffered through learning Idle Game Maker script.

 My current best 3x3 time is 21s, acheived on an X-Man Tornado V3.