Over the past year or so, I've been creating images of fractals using tools such as Mandelbulb, Marble Marcher Community Edition, or Fractal Sound Explorer. I plan on using this page to host these images plus the parameters that created them where I can. For some reason, Mandelbulb doesn't cite the artists that created the fractals included within the program, so to put those images up I will have to track down the original source of the people who made the parameters. For any images on this page, I plan on including alt text that will provide the correct attribution for each. If you plan on using any images on this page, check the alt text for proper attribution! Attribution for the banner is in the CSS.
And yes I know the images are slightly off center. Check the jank CSS to see why.
Image by ScrambledRubiks using Mandelbulb. Background image from Wikipedia Commons at https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Lots_of_Stars_%2815365005539%29.jpg
Asteroid, 2023. Click for original m3i!
This is the first image I created custom without being derivative of an m3p that came with Mandelbulb, and I think it turned out really cool. I started by just kind of messing around with parameters at random, and then moved on to messing with lighting. I actually started by trying to create the look of a nebula, but after removing the fog I figured that an asteroid would also be really cool.

Created by ScrambledRubiks via a MutaGen of Torii Temple using Mandelbulb 3d.
Created by ScrambledRubiks using Marble Marcher Community Edition Created by ScrambledRubiks using Fractal Sound Explorer