Thank you to Yuxian from for this great pixelated font!
TI-BASIC Programs

This page is a place for all of the various simple programs I have made on my TI-84 Plus CE calculator. Do us both a favor and don't use these to cheat on tests.
All programs about triangles use this triangle:
    - A program that uses the law of cosines to find the side c opposite of the angle C.
    - A program that finds angle C from all sides of a triangle.
    - Gets the area of a triangle from side lengths. Also returns S in case you need to show your work in that regard.
    - Finds c based on a and b using the Pythagorean Theorem.
    - A program that finds the 0's of a quadratic, kind of redundant considering PolySmlt is a thing
    - Finds the slope given two points.
  • B16DEC
    - Converts a 16-bit binary number to a decimal one. Least significant bits first.
    - Does a floor divide and provides the remainder. Very slow for large dividends and small divisors because it uses a while loop.
  • To get these on your calculator, download TI Connect.